Does your yarn stash look like this? Mine does not… not at all
My yarn stash currently lives in fancy practical plastic tubs. I’m between homes and half my yarn is in storage and the other half (for current projects plus some extras) lives with me in various travel bags.
Here’s what I think about yarn stashes…
A yarn stash does not need to be hundreds of skeins. It does not need to be stacked neatly and in color order. Yarn stashes are a personal thing, that much is certain.
I’ve been both the maximal stasher, buying and storing tons of yarn I’d never use. Now I’m more of a minimal stasher, with just a small amount of yarn that doesn’t have a project planned for it’s use.
It’s hard not to scoop up every skein that catches my eye. Trust me, I feel the pull! It’s more of a personal choice for me not to have too much stuff, especially since I’ve moved a lot in the last few years. That and I do love searching for the perfect yarn for a project.
Ravelry Stash
I’ve started cataloging my yarn using the stash feature on Ravelry. You can check mine out here, if you like. Taking pictures of each yarn took the most time, but I think it’s worth it. We’ll see if it’s useful for me. I think it’s more of a fun “come look in my cupboards” moment for those who like that sort of thing.
Here’s my big problem though… I can’t seem to find a way to add my hand-dyed yarns. Not ones from other dyers, those I can add by business name. I’m talking about the yarns I dyed myself. They are most definitely a part of my stash!
If anyone knows the trick to adding self-dyed yarn to their Ravelry stash, please share it!
My Self-Dyed Stash
There are more in my stash, but I didn’t run to storage to take pictures of all of them. This is what I have in my ready-to-use stash.
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